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Favorite Qoute:

"In order to live light , you have to be incredibly  self-aware." -Myleik Teele

Meet Qyn






Hello, my name is Qynshela Sanders, affectionately known as Qyn. I am a writer and aspiring author that is extremely passionate about inspiring others to seek their true purpose in life.


I am a mother to a 2 year old little guy named Tristen. Becoming a mother and journeying through motherhood sparked the intense passion inside me to truly seek God's purpose and plan for my life, so that I may be able to raise my son to do the same. To always walk in his light.


I believe that the majority of us tend to walk through this life asleep and unable to fully accept who they are because they lack knowledge of the self. When life happens, we tend to ignore who we truly are and what truly makes us happy because we become consumed with just trying to survive. We become content with just trying to live day to day. But are we really living? Is waking up every day, dreading the day's journey, posing as if everything is ok when inside the soul of you is miserable, really living?

My purpose in life is to inspire others with my words! To wake up the soul inside you that has been dormant for so many years! To introduce new ways to explore what your passions may be and how to activate the drive to make your passions a reality! To teach others to unapologetically  accept who they are at all times and always honor their soul!

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